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There could be a few reasons why you only received part of your order:

  1. Multiple Shipments: If your order contains items from different suppliers or warehouses, they might be shipped separately, leading to partial deliveries.

  2. Out of Stock Items: Some items may have been out of stock at the time of shipping. In such cases, the available items are sent first, and the remaining items are shipped later or refunded.

  3. Shipping Delays: There could be delays in the shipment of certain items due to logistics issues, which might cause a partial delivery.

  4. Order Splitting: Sometimes, large orders are split into smaller shipments for easier handling or quicker delivery.

To get a clear understanding of why you received only part of your order, it’s best to check the order confirmation or shipping information provided by the seller. If there’s still confusion, you should contact customer support for more details.

If your order arrives damaged, here’s what you should do:

  1. Document the Damage: Take clear photos of the damaged item(s), including the packaging, to have evidence of the condition in which it arrived.

  2. Check the Return Policy: Review the return and refund policy of the seller or the platform where you purchased the item to understand your options for returning or replacing the damaged goods.

  3. Contact Us: Reach out to the  customer support as soon as possible. Provide them with your order details, photos of the damage, and a description of the issue. Whatsapp Us +91 8336882212

  4. Follow Instructions: The seller or platform may provide specific instructions on how to proceed, which could include returning the item, getting a replacement, or receiving a refund.

  5. Keep All Packaging: Hold onto the original packaging until the issue is resolved, as the seller may ask for it to process your claim.

Acting quickly can help ensure that your issue is resolved promptly.

Whether you can exchange your order depends on the policies of the Third-party platform where we made the purchase. Please Contact For More Details.

Ensure that you’ve entered the discount code correctly, including any capital letters, numbers, or special characters.Confirm that the discount code is still valid and hasn’t expired. Also, check if there are any restrictions, such as minimum purchase requirements or specific items the code applies to.

Check Shipping Options: Review the shipping options available on the our website. Many sites offer expedited shipping choices during checkout.

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